Scream 3 Script
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"Hello?"-Cotton Weary
"Hello?"-Girl's Voice
"Who's this?"-Cotton
"Who's this?"-Girl's Voice
"Who are you calling?"-Cotton
"Oh, you know what I'm sorry I have the wrong number."-Girl's Voice
"That's okay."-Cotton
"Wait a minute, I know your voice. It sounds a lot like that guy on tv, uhh, Cotton Weary."-Girl's Voice
"I do huh?"-Cotton
"Yeah, I think he's got a really sexy voice."-Girl's Voice
"Ohh, well thank you."-Cotton
"Wait a minute, you are Cotton aren't you? Oh my God I am talking to Cotton Weary."-Girl's voice
"You got me, look I-I've got someone on the other line can you hold on a second, I'll be right back I promise."-Cotton
"Yeah."-Girl's Voice
"Hold on a second."-Cotton

"So you a big 100% Cotton fan?"-Cotton Weary
"Yeah, 100 and 10%."-Girl's Voice
"That's very good. So uh, why don't you tell me who you are."-Cotton
"You're a naughty boy Cotton, now what would your girlfriend say?"-Girl's Voice
"What makes you think I have a girlfriend."-Cotton
"I know you do. I'm right outside her bathroom door."-Killer
"Who is this?"-Cotton
"She's in the shower, she has a nice little voice. Lets go in for a closer look. Oh, she's very pretty Cotton. A step up from Maureen Prescott, speaking of which lets play a little game. Answer right your girlfriend lives, answer wrong she dies. Where's Maureen's daughter Sidney?"-Killer
"Who the fuck is this?"-Cotton
"Somebody who'd kill to know where Sidney Prescott is. One chance Cotton, you've got conections. Where is she?"-Killer
"You listen to me you fucking psycho. You lay a finger on Christine and I swear to God I'll kill you."-Cotton
"Wrong answer."-Killer

"Cotton is that you? Cotton? Honey? Okay Cotton, you know I don't like your Stab games."-Christine

"What the fuck are you doing?"-Christine
"I was just, you know, trying to take the game to the next level. I'm sorry, come on open the door."-Cotton's Voice
"The game?"-Christine
"Yeah the game!"-Cotton's Voice
"What are you talking about?"-Christine
"I'm talking about how much fun it's going to be to rip your insides out! Now open the fucking door Christine!"-Cotton's Voice

"And we're gonna make them confront their victims face to face. Mono mono right here on tomorrow 100% Cotton."-Cotton Weary on 100% Cotton

"California woman's crisis counceling."-Receptionist
"Hey it's Laura from Monterey reporting to work, could you patch me in?"-Sidney
"Sure. Thanks Laura."-Receptionist
"Thank you."-Sidney
"California woman's crisis conceling, how can I help you?"-Sidney
"Hi, um do I have to say my name?"-Girl
"No you don't have to say anything you don't want to say. How can I help?"-Sidney

"So in closing, as the future journalists of America there is one thing that you need to remember. Being the best means being willing to do what the others would not. Break the rules, stop at nothing. Be willing to hassle the world because that is the only way you get the story, the facts, and the fame......yes?"-Gale Weathers
"So you're saying that we should be ready to go out and cut each other throats because that's what you did."-Guy
"Metaphorically, yes."-Gale
"Well tell me Miss Weathers, was it worth it?"-Guy

"Hollywood is realing today from news of the murder of contraversal talk show host, Cotton Weary. Weary had only recently finished shooting a cameo as himself in the film Stab 3 the Return to Woodsboro. The third and final part of the famous horror series based on the Woodsboro and Windsor College Murders."-TV Reporter

"Detectives, there's no reason to presume that Cotton's death had anything to do with this movie is there?"-John Milton
"He was making a movie called Stab, he was stabbed."-Detective Wallace

"I am not a Randy substitute, I'm my own character."-Tyson Fox
"Named Ricky that works at the video store."-Sarah Darling
"It's an homage."-Tyson
"Hey what if the killers Sidney Prescott? I mean what the hell ever happened to her? She's probably off in the woods living the fucking unibomber or something."-Tom Prinze
"I'm starting to see why Tori Spelling and David Schwimmer didn't want to come back."-Angelina Tyler
"You guys this was about Cotton, we're not in any danger."-Sarah
"We're not in any danger says Candy page 15."-Tyson

"Lost and lonely what?"-Gale Weathers
"Little girl inside."-Dewey Riley

"Hey, its the real Gale Weathers."-Tom Prinze
"Real from top to bottom."-Gale Weathers
"Tom Prinze, I watch your show all the time. You're so right, pop culture is the politics of the twenty first century."-Tom
"Thank you."-Gale
"And that story that you did last month on me crashing my car. Wow was that ever powerful journalism."-Tom
"Thanks uhh..."-Gale
"I especially liked the way you implied it was cause of drinking and drugs and that the entire tire blowout was faked. That's great."-Tom
"Tom sometimes in journalism you have to..."-Gale
"Are you parked out in the lot? Cause I could go check to make sure no ones messed with your break line."-Tom

"Listen maybe it's time you came home. I'm worried about you kid, out here by youself, you never seeing anyone. The only people you talk to don't even know your real name. It's as if you don't exist."-Neil Prescott
"That's the idea, psychos can't kill what they can't find."-Sidney Prescott

"Dan my man, he does good work huh?"-Tyson Fox
"Thank you, thank you very much."-Dan
"Fuck you very much."-Sarah Darling

"Ring ring, Hello?"-Sarah Darling
"Hello?"-Roman Bridger
"Who's this?"-Sarah
"Who's this?"-Roman
"Candy, hang on let me get some clothes. See I don't get why I have to start the scene in the shower! The whole shower things been done!"-Sarah

"Has there been another God damn rewrite? How the fuck are we suppose to learn our lines when theirs a new script every 15 minutes."-Sarah Darling
"It's not just a new script it's a new movie."-Roman Bridger
"What new movie?"-Sarah
"My movie and it's called Sarah gets skeowerded like a fucking pig."-Roman's voice shifting to the Killer

"Why would the police come to you?"-Dewey Riley
"Well I did write the definative book on the Woodsboro Murders."-Gale Weathers
"And I'm sure you just can't wait to write another one."-Dewey

"Dewey you're not just here because of that second rate K-Mart straight to video version of me are you?"-Gale Weathers
"Brace yourself Gale, all of this is actually not about you."-Dewey Riley

"You, like I'm going to ever win an award playing you!"-Jennifer Jolie

"I get killed in Stab 3?"-Gale Weathers

"Hey Dewdrop! Can I have a word? Just so we can get this straight. I'm the professional celebrity guard here. My resimay lists Julia Roberts, Salman Rushdie, Posh Spice, you are the Hollywood hang arounder. Cause you're just no good as a cop anymore. Your resimay lists like the obituaries. So how bout you take suggestions from me, alrite?"-Steven Stone
"Whatever you say."-Dewey Riley

"Yeah, Maureen Prescott again."-Detective Mark Kincaid
"Great 10 more murders and we can publish a calander."-Detective Wallace

"Usually one cop makes it."-Detective Mark Kincaid
"And?"-Detective Wallace
"One cop doesn't. Usually."-Kincaid

"What about an increased police presence around Jennifer, she's the next one to get killed in the script."-Dewey Riley
"She has a bodyguard, and besides the producers told us there were three different versions of the script, something about trying to keep the ending off the internet. You should know thatm you're the technical advisor right? Three versions, three different character die next, and we don't know which one the killer read."-Detective Mark Kincaid

"All I ever wanted to do was make a real classic love story. And the studio said they'd let me and all I had to do was a scary movie for them, and now we're shut down and I am fucked!"-Roman Bridger
"God it's not the end of the world Roman."-Jennifer Jolie
"That is so easy for you to say, yeah you can always go back to must see tv. Now I have no movie and am about to turn thirty and it looks like I'm now the next target."-Roman

"God Roman, remind me not to sleep with him again."-Jennifer Jolie

"Just one question, do you think it's over Sidney, do you?"-Killer

"I bet she fought and clawed for that Sidney part. I bet she stepped on any poor girl that got in her way."-Tom Prinze
"So you asked her out and she said no?"-Jennifer Jolie
"That has nothing to do with it."-Tom

"She's got a good heart, she does. She just hides it away because she thinks people see that as weak."-Dewey Riley

"Why is the killer leaving pictures of Maureen, and why these pictures at that point in time?"-Gale Weathers
"I don't know, if I thought like a homocidial maniac then I'd know how a homocidial maniac thinks."-Dewey Riley

"What are you doing in there anyway?"-Dewey's Voice
"Me? I'm just checking to make sure there's no killer in here waiting to off you like he did your little sister."-Steven Stone
"What did you say? I can't believe you said that, that makes me....angry!"-Dewey's voice shifting into the Killers

"He's rewriting the movie."-Dewey Riley

"I want to know what happens!"-Jennifer Jolie
"Wait for the fucking movie!"-Gale Weathers

"And the killer will give mercy to whoever smells the gas."-Tom Prinze

"You! What the fuck happened to you! Who gave you a place to stay, who are you suppose to be protecting?"-Jennifer Jolie

"My lawyer liked that."-Jennifer Jolie
"Not as much as I did."-Gale Weathers

"Do you want to have this conversation with a polygraph?"-Detective Mark Kincaid
"Is that a threat Detective?"-Dewey Riley
"When it's a threat you'll know it."-Kincaid
"Was that a threat!"-Dewey
"Boys boys, lets compair our gun caliburs later."-Gale Weathers

"Hi you've reached the machine you can leave a message, talk as long as you want."-Sidney Prescott
"Sid it's me, I justed wanted to make sure your...okay. Sid, what are you doing down here?"-Dewey Riley
"No actually what was I doing up there. Jesus Dewey are you okay?"-Sidney

"I told you to stay hidden. It's not safe for you to be here."-Dewey Riley
"The killer called me."-Sidney Prescott
"Yeah he found me. I'm no more safe there than I am here. But at least here I'm not alone."-Sidney

"The killer called her."-Dewey Riley
"What? When?"-Detective Mark Kincaid
"What did he say?"-Gale Weathers
"Oh you know the usual small talk. What's new, how've you been, how you want to die."-Sidney Prescott
"Sidney do you have any idea how he could have gotten your number?"-Dewey
"Well he could have monitored calls on a scanner, did you call her from the set?"-Kincaid
"Do you have her number stored in your memory."-Gale

"It's Martha Meeks, Randy's sister."-Sidney Prescott
"Randy's sister?"-Gale Weathers
"Yeah can't you tell?"-Dewey Riley
"We miss you in Woodsboro guys."-Martha Meeks
"Martha what are you doing here?"-Sidney
"There's something you guys should see."-Martha
"Told you I'd make a movie some day! Huh?"-Randy Meeks
"Oh my God!"-Sidney
"Well if you're watching this tape it means as I feared, I did not survive these killings here at Windsor College. And that giving up my virginity to Karen Kolcheck at the video store was probably not a good idea."-Randy
"Karen Kolcheck?"-Dewey
"Yes Karen Kolcheck."-Randy
"Creepy Karen."-Dewey
"Shut up! She's a sweet person okay, we were working late we were putting away some videos in the porno section and you know, shit happens."-Randy
"Open the door Randy!"-Paul
"Fifteen minutes."-Randy
"It's my room too!"-Paul
"Paul, fifteen minutes I'm leaving my legacy. Fifteen minutes Paul, damn! Anyway, the reason I'm here is to help you so that my death will not be in vain. That my lifes work will help save some other poor soul from getting mutilated. If this killer does come back and he's for real there are a few things that you gotta remember. Is this simply another sequel? Well if it is then the same rules apply. But here's a critical thing, if you find yourself dealing with an unexpected back story, and a preponderous of exposition then the sequel rules do not apply. Because you are not dealing with a sequel your dealing with the concluding chapter of a triliogy. That's right it's a rarity in the horror field but it does exsist. And it's a force to be reconened with. Because true triliogys are all about going back to the beginning and descovering something that wasn't true from the get go. Godfather, Jedi, all revealed something that we thought was true that wasn't true. So if it is a triliogy you are dealing with here are some super triliogy rules. One you've got a killer who's gonna be super human. Stabbing him won't work, shooting him won't work. Basically in the third one you got to cryogenically freeze his head, decapatate him, or blow him up. Number two anyone including the main character can die, this means you Sid. I'm sorry but its the final chapter. It can be fucking resivour dogs by time this things through. Number three, the past will come back and bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest, any sins you've committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you. So in closing I'm going to say, good luck, Godspeed, and for some of you, I'll see you soon. Cause the rules say some of you ain't gonna make it. I didn't, not if your watching this tape."-Randy

"What the hell are you doing?"-Gale
"Being Gale Weathers, what hell are you doing?"-Jennifer Jolie
"I am Gale Weathers."-Gale

"You know in the movies I play you as being much smarter."-Jennifer Jolie
"And as a sane person, I know that must be quiet a strech."-Gale Weathers

"I was up for Prince Leia, I was this close. So who gets it? The one that sleeps with George Lucas."-Bianca Burnette

"It's worth two grand, you gonna help Gale Weathers or not?"-Jennifer Jolie

"Oh my God! Sidney Prescott! Oh my God I'm Angelina Tyler I'm you! I mean not, I mean I was. I thought that if there was no movie no one would care if I took some suvioneers."-Angelina Tyler
"Suvioneers?"-Sidney Prescott
"I may never win another roll so these maybe my only memories you know, of Hollywood. I know it's weird, cause it's your life and all. I wanted to make you proud Sidney."-Angelina
"Oh, well I'm sure I would've been."-Sidney

"You weren't suppose to go in that house, it's all set up for the murder sceen. I'm sorry you had to see that."-Dewey Riley

"You stole the mask?"-Detective Wallace
"I took it."-Angelina Tyler
"You took the mask or you stole the mask."
"I took it for like a suvioneer."-Angelina
"Don't look at me I didn't take shit."-Tyson Fox

"Why, why couldn't somebody kill the cast of Stab one, huh or Stab 2?"-Roman Bridger

"Oh God I forgot your birthday."-Jennifer Jolie
"Yeah."-Roman Bridger
"Happy Birthday Roman."-Jennifer
"Life isn't tragic enough."-Roman

"What do you know about triliogys?"-Sidney Prescott
"You mean like movie triliogys?"-Detective Mark Kincaid
"You seem to like movies Detective."-Sidney
"You can call me Mark, least if I going to keep calling you Sidney."-Kincaid
"I'll call you Mark when you catch the killer Detective."-Sidney
"All I know about movie triliogys is that in the thrid one, all bets are off."-Kincaid

"Hey Detective, what's your favorite scary movie."-Sidney Prescott
"My life."-Detective Mark Kincaid
"Me too."-Sidney

"God this house is incredible. It's so Hollywood."-Angelina Tyler
"Yeah could the dude have more money?"-Tyson Fox

"Woah woah woah, just wait there a minute. There's a psycho killer on the loose and you want to go trapsing around this gigantic mansion. Have you actually seen the Stab movies?"-Tyson Fox

"You know what you look like without makeup Jennifer."-Roman Bridger
"Stop pretending I wasn't the best you ever had."-Jennifer Jolie
"Oh stop pretending I remember."-Roman
"Stop pretending."-Jennifer

"Is he dead?"-Jennifer Jolie
"Oh very!"-Gale Weathers

"I did not fuck that pig Milton to get a leading role to die here with second rate celebrities like you two!"-Angelina Tyler

"You can't kill me, I'm the killer in Stab 3! I'm the killer in Stab 3!"-Jennifer Jolie

"Hello?"-Sidney Prescott
"Hello?"-Sid's Voice
"Who is this?"-Sidney
"Who is this?"-Sid's Voice
"Umm, w-who's calling?"-Sidney
"Umm, w-who's calling?"-Sid's Voice
"Gale, Dewey, whoever call me back I can only hear myself."-Sidney
"I only hear you too Sidney."-Killer

"You want me mother fucker, come and get me."-Sidney Prescott

"You're not going anywhere Sidney. It's times you came to turns with me and your mother."-Killer

"Who are you?"-Sidney Prescott
"The other half of you."-Killer

"Roman Bridger, director, and brother. She slammed the door in my face Sid. She said I was Reena's child and Reena was dead. It kind of struck me. What a good idea. So I watched her. I made a little home movie, a little, a little family film. It seems Maureen, mom, she really got around. I mean Cotton was one thing. Everybody knew about that. But Billy's father, that was the key. Your boyfriend didn't like seeing his daddy in my film too much, didn't like that at all. Once I started the motivation all the kid needed was a few pointers. Have a partner to sell out in case you get caught, find someone to frame. It was like he was making a movie."-Roman Bridger
"You, this is all because of you."-Sidney Prescott
"I'm a director Sid. I direct. I had no idea they were going to make a film of their own. What a film it turned out to be, huh? Introducing Sidney the victim, Sidney the suvivor, Sidney the star!"-Roman

"This man gave away your mothers innocence. Huh? What he did to her made her a slut. Didn't it, huh? She never recovered from that night in this very room. They fucked her three ways from Sunday, ruined her life. Ruined yours too didn't it Sid? Do you hate him Sid?"-Roman Bridger

"You don't have to do this Roman. Tell me what you want, I can make it happen. Anything, major budget, script approval, final cut!"-John Milton
"I already have it."-Roman Bridger

"And who's our hero? Our soul survivor! Who bravely faced down the psychopath and killed her with her own knife. You're gonna pay for the life you stole from me Sid. For the mother, and for the family, and for the story, and the God damn everything you have that should have been mine!"-Roman Bridger
"God why don't you stop with your wining and get on with it, I've heard this shit before!"-Sidney Prescott
"You know why you kill people Roman, do you?"-Sidney
"Don't wanna hear it!"-Roman
"Cause you chose to, there is no one else to blame."-Sidney
"Why don't you take some fucking responsiblity!"-Sidney
"Fuck you!"-Roman
"Fuck you!"-Sidney

"I guess we think a like."-Sidney Prescott
"She's dead, there's nothing you can do about it. I still got to make my movie."-Roman Bridger
"Stab 3 right?"-Sidney

"Dewey!"-Sidney Prescott
"What?"-Dewey Riley
"Shoot him in the head! The head!"-Sidney

"What are you doing with that?"-Gale Weathers
"Will you sign it for me?"-Dewey Riley
"Why? You hate that book, besides I'm done with that kind of reporting."-Gale
"For me, would you sign it for me?"-Dewey
"Sure I'll sign it."-Gale
"Would you?"-Dewey
"I know it'll never work, you know it'll never work. But what I'm asking is to see if we're wrong. We don't know everything, I mean I know you think you do."-Dewey
"You're a brave man Dewey Riley."-Gale
"I'm really scared right now."-Dewey

"Sid we've been waiting for you. We're gonna start a movie."-Detective Mark Kincaid
"What kind of movie?"-Sidney Prescott
"You have to come and see."-Kincaid